Sunday, September 8, 2024

Will's Good Idea for the Week of 9/8/24

We had one heck of a double rainbow yesterday evening. That was a big one. People are posting pics from all over northern New Jersey.

We took that one while getting Indian take away. 

We realized last night that the NFL season begins in earnest today. We're not ready for the game. Not at all. And we're not ready for the endless pickup truck, gambling, and Manning family commercials. We approach the start of the season the same way a tired and reluctant wife approaches her husband's call to the bedroom.

Today marks the beginning of Election 2004 week here at Stroock's Books. Why today? Because 20 years ago today CBS' 60 Minutes aired the forged Killian documents story, alleging George W. Bush had failed to fulfill his Air National Guard duties because of drunkenness or coke or both. The report was a disaster for CBS and a boon for Bush. The Killian documents fiasco is a long story, and we hope Powerline, which broke the fake docs scandal, does a post today about the saga today.* Slate has a good summation of how the story broke. 

Will's Good idea for the week of 9/8/24. Our friend James Young informs us that Ambush at Lingayen Gulf may be considered for another anthology. In the meantime, here's his latest anthology, The Big Ones, a collection of alternate WWII histories. 

We're at least thinking about World War 1990: Thatcher's War, and the ideas are coming. Honestly we need to take a week, eschew writing, and just research. [That's the smart play. But you won't do that because of this bizarre thing you think that if you're not writing you're not working and you have to work at all costs because in your mid-20s you had a couple of long bouts of being out of work-Ed]

We're gonna try to start a new story in War Night tomorrow. No idea which one. Upon this idea, we shall dwell. 

*Ah, there it is.

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