Friday, February 3, 2017

The Hun Dares Speak

Get a load of this, from Socialist Tosser Martin Schulz:

Martin Schulz, the left-wing Social Democratic Party (SPD) candidate in Germany’s September federal elections, told the Funke media group he would defend liberal values and fight moves to lift sanctions on Russia.
“What Trump is doing is un-American,” Mr. Schulz said. “The United States is like no other country for enlightenment, democratic and free values.”
“If Trump is now driving a wrecking ball through this set of values, then I will tell him as chancellor: That’s not the policy of Germany and Europe,” he added.

Listen up there, Hanz. You're German. Your nation made nothing but strategic mistakes from the moment you crowned the Kaiser in the Hall of Mirrors (seriously?) in 1871 till the Red Army rolled into Berlin in 1945. The end result of that impressive run of geo-political ineptitude was  millions of dead Germans, a smashed economy, and partition of your nation. My point is, Gruber, that you Krauts ain't exactly got the best strategic sense.

And let's get something straight, there, Fritz. Your nation exists at all because of the benevolence of the United States and Britain. The Soviet Union and France wanted to partition you permanently. Oh yeah, and we rebuilt you and saved West Berlin. You know Churchill wanted to liquidate the German officer class? Roosevelt told him no.

The only reason why you even understand this whole democracy thing, Gunter, is because the US and friends imposed it upon you at the end of a 105mm Howitzer. Your fields are soaked with our blood and the cemeteries of Europe are filled with American flagged headstones. Like very other American my age, one of my grandfather's fought his way across western Europe kicking the crap out of your grandfather.

Hey there, Duffenschmirtz, you are an expert at lederhosen, beer gardens, bratwurst, schnitzle and Einsatzgruppen, but you don't know jack about America or what's un-American.

So why don't you go back to the dying EU Parliament and getting your ass handed to you by Nigel Farage?

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