Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Franken Gambit

This is how we know the Mueller probe is fizzling out.

The Dems are shifting from 'Russia, Russia, Russia' to 'harassment, harassment, harassment.'

Democrats know they have a yuuuge credibility problem on sexual assault. For  twenty years they've told us Bill Clinton was ok.

Just a few months okay Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of NY was telling us how great Bill Clinton is.

Now she says Trump should resign over sexual harassment allegations.

You can't #believeallwomen when you never believed Bill's many, many accusers.

That's where serial groper and Democrat senator Al Franken comes in.

Democrats can condemn Franken and call on him to resign. This is a safe move as Minnesota is a reliably blue state with a Dem governor. Whoever replaces Franken will be a Democrat.

So the battlefield is prepped.

By the way, after Roy Moore wins in Alabama tonight, Al Franken will un-resign.

The once and future senator

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