Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Strange Case of Barrack Hussein Obama

In which we revisit old ground.

Barrack Hussein Obama was a mediocre man of no particular accomplishment who used his exotic name and background to get to the Senate and the presidency.

Supposedly an impressive orator, he needed a teleprompter wherever he spoke. His speeches were notorious for the use of 'I', 'me', and 'my'.

Barry liked golf and NCAA basketball. He could sure pick a bracket.

BHO was Denis Leary's 'asshole'.

As president Barry O was incapable of politicking.

His signature domestic achievement was an unpopular bill filled with unpopular ideas rammed through an unpopular congress via unpopular parliamentary means. Obamacare led to the destruction of the Democrat Party majority in a 63 house seat wipeout. Talk about a wave.

President Trump is slowly undoing Obamacare, first via repeal of the individual mandate, the most vile law since the Fugitive Slave Act, and now with new rules allowing for shorter term plans carrying old style 'catastrophic' coverage.

Like a British NHS hospital pulling the plug on a chronically ill and costly patient, one way or another, Obamacare dies.

Barrack's signature foreign achievement was the Iran Deal, a vague agreement that saw this nation lift economic sanction son the Islamic Republic and send pallets of cash to our enemy. The deal, such as it is, was never ratified by the Senate.

Yesterday President Trump announced the re-imposition of sanctions on Iran.

The Iran Deal died with Barry's presidency.

So dies B Hussein O's legacy. All that remains is a proposed presidential museum that looks like a Jawa sand crawler and one weird portrait painting.

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