Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Jacket Required

Well this is infuriating:

The Cleveland Teachers Union is strenuously objecting to the implementation of a basic dress code and other changes at 23 failing public schools.

I admit, of late I've let my classroom appearance go. Last few days I've warn jeans and a polo-shirt, BUT, I have an excuse. I've had a horrible attack of gout and its hard enough dragging myself to class, I don't need to worry about looking too good.

That said, normally I wear a jacket and tie, sometimes a suit, though I've backed off from these in recent years. Jacket and tie, very preppy, very professorial. Honestly, you can get away with a lot when you're dressed nice.

The campus at RVCC is becoming a nightmare of geezer balding boomer professors obsessed with denim, and up and coming hipsters who probably don't know how to tie a necktie. One guy who teaches in a classroom right before me usually wears stained pants, a sweatshirt and a baseball cap. maybe he's shaved this week, maybe he hasn't. There's another in the science department who looks like he just got back from an Occupy rally, ratty dreds and all.

This old article sums up my thoughts exactly, and more than any other reason is why I put effort into wearing a jacket and tie.

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