Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Stars & Bars Forever

The Confederate battle flag being removed from the South Carolina state house was inevitable, the Charleston shooting was the final bit of drive needed to make the removal happen.

The left looks for heretics, it looks for things to condemn. Last year they tried to bring pressure upon the Washington Redskins. Owner Daniel Snyder, who is in fact evil, told the advocates to bugger off. The NFL once it saw polling data that showed most Americans, including American Indians, couldn't care less about the Redskins name and logo back up Snyder.

So they finally got the Stars & Bars.

Foreigners reading this should understand that the American South was and still is a distinct culture. But its known world wide. When you think of Americans, you probably think of southerners, especially Texas, weather you know it or not. People are nicer down there. They're politer. They're friendlier. They have funny accents. Things are slower down south.

I have a considerable amount of southern blood pulsating through my veins, with one grandmother born in Kentucky and another in Louisiana. I even hold a stake in the old family farm lands in Louisiana and Mississippi, or my family does, bunch of blue-bellied New Yorkers. My LA grandmother always said 'the south will rise again' and 'Lee was a gentlemen and Grant was a drunk'. She also once looked at me, dead serious, after telling me her synagogue held services on Sunday, and said, 'Southerners conform'.

We had an interesting conversation about the Stars and Bars in class yesterday. Everyone thinks it should be taken off state grounds, but also believes individuals should be able to fly it. One black student barely knew what it was (he's Jamaican) the other said it gives her the creeps.

Of course I live in Chindia. What is the left going to do when the swastika comes back?

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