Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I don't Loath Myself, Just my People

I'm a Hebrew myself but have never really felt comfortable in the tribe. In a lot of ways I'd make a good anti-Semite.

Now hold on there, let me explain. In a Line through the Desert, Jake bloom asks, 'Do all Jews have to be wimpy little fags?' Jake asked this after discussing with his girlfriend his two cousins, Myron and Roger. They're skinny, have Jew-fros, and are super-smart. Yes, I set them up as stereotypes on purpose. Jake says, 'I waned to play Raid on Entebbe, they wanted to play Fiddler on the Roof.'

Look, the Jews I was around growing up seemed real wimpy to me. Maybe its just because I was/am large and nordic-looking. Hell I'd make a good Nazi-officer in any number of World War II movies:

You think I'm kidding:

Skinny guys with allergies and limp-handshakes. Those are the Jews I grew up with.

My wife tells me I'd feel totally different about Jews if we were Israelis.

In that vein here's PJ Media, Are Israeli and American Jews One?:

Oren grew up believing that “we are one.” He continued to believe it:
 … even during the desperate period leading up to the 1967 Six-Day War, when, with Israel’s existence endangered, tens of thousands of American Jews went out to demonstrate — against the Vietnam War.
He continues in that critical vein, noting that since those days, assimilation rates among non-Orthodox American Jews have soared, and that when he visited a liberal congregation in Washington, even discussing Israel was “virtually taboo.”
Returning to the U.S. as ambassador in 2009, he found that he “scarcely recognized the American Jewish landscape I had left thirty years earlier.” Among his many other trying tasks as ambassador, Oren strove hard to mediate between American and Israeli Jewry over issues of religious freedom in Israel.
Oren the diplomat’s best efforts falter, however, when he considers the role of American Jews in the U.S. media. He writes:
[Reporting about] the alleged erosion of human rights in Israel, its oppression of Palestinians, and misuse of military force, with alarmingly few exceptions … [are] authored by Jews. … The preponderance of Jews in the U.S. media often means, simply, that Israel is subjected to scrutiny and standards imposed on no other foreign nation.
And in a passage least likely to endear him to liberal American Jews, Oren says:
[I] could not help questioning whether American Jews really felt as secure as they claimed. Perhaps persistent fears of anti-Semitism impelled them to distance themselves from Israel and its often controversial policies. Maybe that was why so many of them supported Obama, with his preference for soft power, his universalist White House [Passover] seders, and aversion to tribes.
I've experienced this personally, with Jews who supported Obama against Netanyahu, who over the last 25 years have made dozens of intellectual concessions about Israel. For example, these Jews kept giving ground during the Oslo farce; Israeli didn't need the West Bank, or East Jerusalem, or the Golan. Israel was bad for Jews.

Here's Leon Westeiler writing a devastating critique of Tony Judt's suggestion that Israel become a bi-national Jewish/Palestinian state:

His third reason for wishing to wake up in a world without a Jewish state is the most embarrassing, because it is embarrassment. I mean that Judt is embarrassed by Israel. And so Israel must be gone.

 The behavior of the self-described Jewish state seems to have affected the way everyone else looks at him. I detect the scars of dinners and conferences.
Let's sum up what Tony Judt was worried about. After the 20th century, and the murder of  6 million Jews, he's upset that a Jewish state has the  military power to crush and dominate its enemies.

There's a scene in A Line through the Desert where Jake's mother is discussing a minor controversy at school. The administration wants to change the name of 'Winter Break' to 'Christmas Break'. Jake's mother starts talking about how the ADL prevented the school from making the change.. A few minutes later Jake's mother mentions that he had had a run in with the school bully.

Rather than go to the admin, Jake punched him in the face.

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