Because you, fair reader, are visiting this blog, you are of course of kind heart and wise counsel (sorry I've been binge watching GoT) so you no doubt are thinking, 'Great, the AHM is putting out the warning that the Muslim Brotherhood is out commit acts of genocide.' If you said this, you were wrong.
The AHM is worried that the Muslim Brotherhood is in great danger:
Despite the constant threats to destroy the Jewish State, Iran is also rated at low risk. Instead the Holocaust Museum claims that the real threat of genocide is in Egypt which is “experiencing a mass killing episode perpetrated by the current regime against the Muslim Brotherhood and oppositionists.”In Israel Strikes: War of the Red Sea, a Sudanese Soldier remarks that his Imam is right, the Jew is clever.
In fact, the Jew is a fucking moron. Honestly, how does the Muslim Brotherhood, the KKK, The Rent is Too Damn High Party, and all the other Jewish conspiracy whackjobs out there think Jews control the world when Jews are doing things like warning of the danger faced by the Muslim Brotherhood.
I've been the the AHM a few times, back in my D.C. days, this is the '90s mind you.
I'm confident, that if it hasn't already, the AHM has exhibits on say, Native Americans, Armenians, Ukrainians, etc, etc, and is straying far from its original mission of documenting the Jewish holocaust. I bet there's something on Pinochet, Stroesner, Fugimori, Galtieri, etc etc...
For the life of me I can't understand why we even have this thing in America. That's not true, I understand full well why. Jews are freakin' morons, at least the American ones. We have this blight on D.C. because of politics. Because the 'official Jews' as Ezra Levant up north likes to call them won't shut up about the damn Holocaust. Like every other Jew on the planet, I lost family in the Holocaust. You will find no Stroocks in Europe. I've moved on. Just the other day my oldest wanted to watch a documentary about the Holocaust in the Ukraine. I freaked out. 'You'll learn about the Israelis,' I said. 'Not a bunch of Jews lining up and waiting to be shot.'
Somewhere, maybe in Riverdale, maybe in Reisterstown, or Pasaic, Jewish kids are playing 'Holocaust', I guarantee it. They're playing at lining up and marching meekly to the gas chamber.
Oh my American-Jewish brethren, decedents of Joshua you not.
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