Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Operation Eastern Storm (Update)

Honestly, I thought Operation Eastern Storm would be in print by now, but as the Hebrews say, we plan, god laughs.

One of the things I had wanted to do in this series is write about theaters of the war ignored by the important techno-thriller authors of the '80s, Hackett, Clancy, Peters, etc.

One of the early scenes, spoiler alert I suppose, details an American assault on the Soviet Pacific Coast. To my knowledge that's never been done. At the end of 'Red Army' Ralph Peters makes reference to the Americans possibly making a move there, but that's it.

Lots of potential there, China, the Koreas, Taiwan...Don't get excited, as yet there will be no 2nd Korean War in WW1990. No Kim Jon Ill, or whoever it was back then. Kim Ill Sung? IDK.

But the reader will see plenty of Vaclav Havel and later, Lech Walesa.

Stay tuned!


  1. Wow a writer my own age, one of those head shakers I get as I age... Football stars are much younger than me. So when will I be able to give you money for my next fix? Also in previous post on Prussian War, would love to see how that plays out...or push back WW1 by a decade and Great White Fleet gutted by German dreadnaught due to some incident. Anyways enjoying both blog and books.

  2. Thanks! I still think ES will be out this fall, but we'll see (December?). When I find a way to make it work, I'll do the Prussian thing.but that's way off at this point. You might try Robert Conroy's 1901, I think he pretty much did what you're talking about.

  3. There's a Russian (not Soviet) Pacific coast invasion as part of Eric L Harry's book, Arc Light. It's not a bad read...

  4. Any timeframe for Operation Eastern Storm?

  5. Any timeframe for Operation Eastern Storm?
