Tuesday, September 6, 2016

One Year On No

So, why doesn't the self proclaimed 'author and adjunct professor of history' no longer write about adjunct professoring?

Easy, I'm no longer an adjunct professor.

Ok, why?

Well it all started about two years ago....

Look, I actually wrote a couple of long posts about this issue, but I decided not to publish them. I don't see the point in delivering a blow by blow, meeting by meeting account. What good can come of it? Its not good for the department or the college. It's not good for me. Why be that way?

That said there's nothing ethically wrong with a limited overview.

Generally speaking I was not being fairly treated by the department. This involved several issues pertaining to the rights of adjuncts (none) vs the rights of tenured professors (absolute). None of that is secret or particularly controversial.

Matters of politics also factor in (personal and political), as does departmental incompetence. Also, I never did get straight answers to some of my questions.

All this culminated in some ugly confrontations and general unpleasantness in which, unbeknownst to them, I held the advantage. Unlike most adjuncts (all the horror stories you hear are true) I could walk away.

And I did.

Was any of this my fault? Of course not! Aside from my being a hot-head and generally confrontational to begin with. I fought very hard, went down with my guns blazing and did damage. Oh believe me, this cost them some hit points.

It has now been a year since I set foot in a classroom. Too bad, I love the job.

As noted above I wrote two very long posts about the matter and stand by every word. Where truth is a defense they are libel proof.

So why not publish?

We have moved on.

Besides, maybe they'll come to their senses.

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