Monday, November 28, 2016

Dead Dictators

For reason's we need not get into, I have followed Canadian politics for about fifteen years now.

This time has seen the remarkable rise of one Pierre Justin Trudeau. The alleged son of former PM, and architect of modern Canada, Pierre Trudeau. Ah Pierre, now there was a great man:

His 'son' is a moron:
Members of the Asian-Canadian community are demanding an apology from Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, following his comments on Thursday expressing admiration for China's "basic dictatorship."
That's nothing. Via Small Dead Animals, checkout the official statement from the Prime Minister's office:
Good Christ.

let's take this to its logical conclusion:

-While controversial Pol Pot had visionary ideas on fighting urban sprawl.

-Say what you want about him, but thanks to Stalin there will never be overcrowding in Ukraine.

-Whatever Kim's other failings no one will ever be able to accuse North Korea of having an obesity crisis.

-Haile Mengitsu Mariam fought overcrowding in Eritrea.

-Though certain, ah....demographic groups were out of his favor, Hitler was one of the greatest dog enthusiasts of his time.

-While some found him controversial, Stalin was one of the most impressively mustached dictators of the 20th century.

-Sure Genghis Kahn killed millions, but think of the multi-cultural paradise he established in Samarkand.

-Hey, no Alexander the Great, no Hanuka, just saying.


This man-child, I swear I'm looking at Aston Kutcher sometimes, had risen improbably through Canadian politics, taking advantage of 'his' family name and the thin ranks of the Liberal Party decimated three times by the mild mannered Stephen Harper. He's never held a job.

Justin's mom, Margaret had an affair with Rolling Stones' guitarist Ron Woods. While Justin looks nothing like Pierre, there is a decent resemblance between Justin and Ron.

Not one goddamn word about President Trump, Canada. Not one goddamn word.

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