Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Marginalize This

This has got to be seen to be believed:
Many publishers have vowed to publish more marginalized writers to combat xenophobia in light of Trump & Brexit.
Novels about transgender Muslims fighting Xenophobia in Nigel Farage's Britain are sure to sell and they'll change the minds of intransigent North Country Brexit voters too!

You want marginalized authors? Try my friends James Young or Chris Nuttall  Or even me. Publishers wouldn't take one look at me. But instead of whining, 'I'm marginalized!' I took action and published myself. Now I have a fan base, move copy, and my latest novel is in the top 50 in its category in Britain, Australia, and the US.

Supreme Dark Lord Vox Day has been marginalized right out of publishing, Twitter, Wikipedia, so he started Castalia House, Info-Galactic, and Gab.

Marginalized that, motherfuckers.