Thursday, July 13, 2017

Movie Criteria

In a previous post we talked about our top ten movies. These are Gone with the Wind, Wizard of Oz, Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Ben Hur, The Godfather, Jaws, Rocky, the Empire Strikes Back.

The Cain Mutiny is one of our own personal top ten movies, but we understand its not the greatest movie of all time.

We think Rogue One may be better than Empire Strikes Back but it is not one of the ten greatest movies of all time.

Here's our criteria. First it has to be an acknowledged hit. It has to be aired today. People have to still be talking about it. Who talks about Marty? The only reason Gen-X even knows about Marty is because it was in the 1995 film Quiz Show.

The film should have universal themes.  Casablanca is about loyalty and self-sacrifice, needs of the many and so forth.

It has to be good, seriously. It has to be watchable. Dune did a lot of interesting things but it is not watchable. One can watch Ben Hur over and over again.

Visually the film has to have something going for it. Gone with the Wind has sweep. Casablanca has a brilliantly understated feel. The Godfather has a warmth that belies its subject. Citizen Kane changed the way movies were made. Jaws felt homey and comfortable in 1974 and survives today as a time capsule.

So that's how we did it. What else would you take into account?


  1. What's your take on the Caine Minute? They had believing Queeg was nuts and then later I guess they over reacted....

  2. Rocky had Gazzo offering the Rock $500.00 training money at Pat's King of Steaks. Now that is what make's a good movie. Also a liver lipped sleazy promoter saying that Apollo believes America is the land of opportunity.

    "I think I invented it".

  3. If there is one thing I have learned from reading this day's blog and putting that together with what I know about fine film making the one thing I can say is that there is nothin' but no good murderin' trash comin' out of Missouri.
