Monday, July 10, 2017

Oh, Adolph....

We are back from the beach so now we can get back to work and relax. Anyone who thinks a beach vacation is relaxing should try going with three blonde little girls. Guess he carries everything?


So we've had to read some pretty esoteric stuff for the Austrian Painter. Right now we're working on Recasting Bourgeois Europe just to get a feel for France and Italy after the Great War. We've read Vulker Ulrich's voluminous bio on the man, and Hitler's First War, about the 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment. We're about to start Hitler at Home, about his decorating habits and taste. We've also read up on Abstract Expressionism, Neo-classicism and Bauhaus art.

All just to get a sense of the man.

Of course we have to extrapolate the Hitler of 1915 to what he might be like in a 1964 where Germany didn't lose the Great War.

We're pretty happy with the effort 45,000 words in. In the Austrian painter he's the nice old man down the hall. Originally we envisioned old Adolph being more or less poor, but he's had some commercial success so he's living quite comfortably in 1964. Still paints. The main found time to sketch all throughout the war, even during WWII, so he would still be painting in 1964, no doubt. He works in his studio at night, but spends his days down at the Tiergarten sketching tourists for five marks a pop.

Why not?

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