Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Statue This

Reader(s) may have noticed that we are highly critical of the Confederacy. There's no excuse for the institution and it deserved destruction. Sherman's march to the Sea and then through the Carolinas brings warm feelings to our heart. Frankly we enjoy the biblical level smiting he inflicted upon the secessionists.

We fly flags and we can and have flown the flag of Kek (praise Kek) before we would fly the Stars and Bars.

That said, Confederate descendants have every right to their heritage. Let them celebrate that heritage however they like. If a southerner has an ancestor who fought with Nathan Bedford Forrest in the Atlanta campaign let him be proud. If someone in Norfolk takes pride in his southern ancestors fending off the Yankees for three and half years, by all means take pride. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia accomplished remarkable things, militarily speaking. The wise military historian studies his campaigns.

This spate of statute desecration in places like Virginia and New Orleans is obscene. The effort is more than that, actually. Its an act of historical vandalism. All these more or less reasonable folks who say 'Yes but,' to the statue desecration better look out. Because the next targets will be George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

So really, screw the statue warriors.

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