As the war dragged on, the task force of two American and two South Korean divisions pushed north from the DMZ toward Pyongyang.With the 101st and 3rd Marine Divisions just miles west of Pyongyang American commanders had one question: would Kim order nuclear weapons used on North Korean soil? Would he even go so far as to nuke his own capital?
American planners had spent several days debating this question. Some even favored nuking Pyongyang preemptively and denying Kim that option altogether. Even the most optimistic planners looked on in dread at the prospect of fighting for Pyongyang.
In true communist fashion Kim mobilized the people of Pyongyang for the defense of the city. Every street was blocked, every building fortified. Every public structure turned into a citadel of mass communist resistance. With also Arab rhetorical flourish Kim promised a million deaths and a million more.
But outside Pyongyang, the landing force consolidated its position. One brigade of the 3rd Marine Division occupied the landing zone while one brigade of the 101st protected the route inland. This left a total of four brigades on the high ground west, southwest of the city.
Both Secretary Mattis in Washington and the task force commander on the ground agreed that inaction was undesirable but sending the full force into Pyongyang was too risky. Therefore a marine task force centered on one mechanized battalion and reinforced with an armored company was formed. Their mission was to breach North Korean Defenses in Pyongyang and advance to the Pathone River. Once the river was reached commanders on teh ground would decide if the task force would withdraw from Pyongyang or establish a foothold for further exploitation into the city.
Fourteen hundred marines donned their NBC gear Though their official designation was Task Force 1-6, almost immediately the men dubbed themselves Suicide Squad and their trek into Pyongyang 'Suicide Run'.
At sunup the Suicide Squad advanced down the Youth Hero Highway, northeast into Pyongyang. Over a nearly three and half mile run, past football stadiums and war memorials the marines encountered no resistance whatsoever and barely any sign of life. Within an hour lead elements of Suicide Squad reached the Pathone River Bridge finding it intact.
It was at this point that commanders determined there could be only one reason why they would be allowed to enter the city. Task for 1-6 turned around and sped back down the Youth Hero Highway, hoping they weren't to late.
Tiger's Tail will return tomorrow...
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