Friday, September 15, 2017

Blog Updates

Alert reader(s) may have noticed a few things about this blog of late.

First we are blogging more frequently.

Lately we're putting up four or five posts a day.

Those posts are coming earlier in the day. We're usually up at 4:30-5:00 we have no idea why.

[Likely the torment and abuse you've hurled at me these last four years twisting your dark soul, if you even have one-Ed]

We've also changed the way we blog.

We usually have one post about writing. One about politics. One about current events. One about culture, and so on.

So if you want our insightful and clairvoyant political analysis, you'll get that. We also realize that some readers don't see eye to eye with us on this stuff. While we like to write about politics, and we love, love, love bashing Hillary! this is not apolitical blog, per se. It's a blog that like politics.

So if you like us for our creative thoughts, you'll get a post on that. If you like cultural stuff, you'll get a post on that.

Putting more effort into this platform just seems like a good use of time.

The reader(s) may be asking, 'Are you on Twitter?'

[Really? You think people are asking? Ed]

The answer is yes, but not under our name and only for the purposes of meme-war activity.

We are, however, on Gab, just click.

We strongly recommend Gab as the free-speech alternative to Twitter.

Gab: speak freely.

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