Thursday, September 28, 2017

Der Kulture Krieg

In handling the National Anthem controversy Roger Goodell made a major miscalculation. To be fair  hundreds of organizations have made the same decision over the last 25 years or so.

Corporate America has long feared angering any number of groups: gays, blacks, Jews, Native Americans, QWERTies, etc etc.

No one's ever worried about offending white, Christian middle-America. That's about 75% of the country, by the way.

Corporate America has a Pavlovian response to calls of 'racism' by the Reverends Jesse and Al or the squeals of 'hate' from the professional Nazi hunters at the Anti-Defamation League: cave immediately.

Last season Goodell let Colin Kaepernick get away with kneeling during the National Anthem even though NFL rules clearly state players must stand in a 'dignified posture'. He was worried about making an enemy of the race-baiting class. Meanwhile he told the Dallas Cowboys they couldn't wear decals honoring the five officers murdered by a BLM terrorist.

People really didn't like that.

The NFL's response was to kneel more, early and often.

Andrew Breitbart (PBUH) used to say that politics flows downstream from culture. This fight is about culture and it is a major battle in the culture war.

The NFL gave the finger to 75% of America.

Well, middle America is giving it back.

The forgotten fans
Image via

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