Monday, September 4, 2017

Metal Monday

Rush (Rush)
Hush (Hush)

So we were listening to Rush's first album this week.

We once heard Gene Simmons say he originally thought Rush was the Canadian Led Zeppelin. Listening to Rush (Rush) we can see why.

Since this Album came out in 1974 we can't decide if we want to call it Led Zeppelin, Houses of the Rush or Led Zeppelin II.V.

'Finding my Way' sounds like it could have come off of Led Zeppelin II with its face paced beat while 'Need Some Love' sounds inspired by 'Whole lotta Love'. 'Take a Friend' has a groove that belongs on Led Zeppelin II and the riffs sound like Jimmy Page. 'In the Mood' sounds like a Zeppelin throw away song that would have ended up on 'CO/DA'.

This is not the Rush that Rush nerds came to love. This is not the Rush of '2112'.

Which is probably why we kind of like this album.

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