Sunday, September 3, 2017

Some Questions for Ken Burns

Recently we noted that Ken Burns has made a documentary about the Vietnam War, because that's never been done before, we guess.

Hopefully Burns breaks some new ground. To that end we have some questions for Mr. Burns:

-Will you note that this war was the project of Kennedy, Johnson and the Democrat Party?
-Will you point out that in 1969 President Nixon took over a mess made by the Democrat Party?
-The Tet Offensive was a great victory for the American military, will this documentary examine that victory?
-How much emphasis will be given to events after the Tet Offensive, most of the early histories stopped with Tet.
-Will historian Lewis Sorely be one of the interviewees?
-How much time will be given to General Creighton Abrams' successful COIN program which turned land over to tenant farmers, fortified their hamlets and took away the communist bastions in the countryside?
-Will the public learn that the 1970 invasion of Cambodia was in response to Vietnamese encroachment there and was a highly successful operation?
-The ANZACs contributed a brigade group and the South Koreans two army divisions. Will time be given to allied operations in Vietnam?
-Speaking of, the 1972 Easter Offensive was stopped largely by ARVN ground forces supported by American air power. Will this be discussed?
-Will you document how the ARVN didn't collapse until congress cut off all aid in 1974?
-Will you interview Vietnamese sources who openly admit that Hanoi screwed up by attacking too early in '65, '68 and '72?

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