Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Media is Decadent and Depraved

Breitbart (PBUH) tells us:

The New York Times ran an advertisement on Wednesday paid for by Venezuela’s socialist regime on behalf of the Venezuelan people, claiming President Donald Trump seeks to “manufacture a political crisis” in the country.

The ad — titled an “Open Letter from the People of Venezuela to the People and Government of the USA” — is primarily a response to Trump’s recent threat of military intervention as well as sanctions imposed on leader Nicolas Maduro and the government as a whole.
The New York Times ran an ad filled with nothing but baseless Venezuela government propaganda.

That is, the communist sex criminals at the New York Times took 200k from a corrupt regime that has brought its oil rich country to starvation.

There's a reason why the journos in Israel Strikes get names like Bloviating Hair Maniac and Red Dye Job.

The media is decadent and depraved.

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