Once again, reading through the MS we are terribly pleased.
We also realize we have some issues to thresh out in Part III.
This is not a big deal.
Minor spoilers ahead.
The Final Storm is made of three parts.
These are The Battle of the Polish Plain, the Battle of the Three Seas, and the as yet untitled Part III.
We had taken out parts dealing with the West German Army, a return of Seydlitz from Operation Eastern Storm, but are now thinking they need to go back in.
Also, readers will remember Loeb, our West German intel officer running anti-collaboration ops behind the lines. We may need more of him.
The book is big and at this point we don't see any harm in making it bigger.
There are also order issues, that is, which scenes follow which scenes, etc. Actually the scenes are pretty much worked out, and we vaguely recall agonizing over these last fall. Chapter order is driving us batty.
Overall we are very optimistic.
I have forgot what is China doing. Maybe a book or story on how they take advantage of us fighting the Russians and they try to invade Twiaion