Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Coup in Zimbabwe

Most Americans reading this are like, 'You mean like a mini-cooper, the car?' and 'Where's Zimbabwe, is that the new Indian restaurant?'

Zimbabwe is just another African crap-hole. These have been a part of the news landscape for our entire life: Ethiopia, Somalia, Rwanda, Sudan....

Zimbabwe is run by a cookie cutter African psychopath, Robert Mugabe who has ruled since 1980 and is now 93 years old. 

Forty years ago Zimbabwe was called Rhodesia and run by an apartheid style regime led by Ian Smith. The country had six and a half million people, a quarter of a million of them white. When Rhodesia declared Independence from Britain in 1965 there began a fifteen year insurgency notable for the fact that the Rhodies never lost a battle but ended up packing it in because they didn't have a political program to accompany their military victories.

That's Counterinsurgency-101 guys.

Mugabe actually left the white farms alone until 2000. These farms became a kind of political oasis where thousands upon thousands of blacks worked under white leadership. Understanding that these farms were a threat to his power, in 2000 Mugabe began a pogrom against them. Once the breadbasket of Africa, Zimbabwe is now a humanitarian basket case.

Hence we see what happens when the African is left to his own devices.

Mr. we could a man like Ian Smith again

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