Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Our friend Bill Katz cautions about talking politics at Thanksgiving:

Just avoid it.  No reason to get into a family feud and waste a good turkey.  Besides, we all realize we know more than our relatives anyway. 

Quite right.

We've had some epic throw downs at the Stroock Thanksgiving. One year we ended the battle by throwing a forkful of stuffing at our stupid sister. I can still see my grandfather smiling in the background as our fork moves across the air,  slo-mo style. 

We were 22.

There's just no need.

Last year, knowing our entire family had taken Hillary!'s loss personally, we didn't say a word about the election save for a joke about Donald Trump, probably the one about outfitting the White House in gold because platinum would be too gaudy.

Even that was tough for them to take. 

See when someone says chocolate ice cream is better, even though all decent and right-thinking people know vanilla is better, there's no need to counter. There is no cosmic ether in which the pro-chocolate argument gains because it has been made without response from the pro-vanilla faction. 

It's taken us a long time to figure that out.

So this year we'll be sticking to how bad the Giants suck, everything wrong with the NFL, and the obligatory watching of the WKRP Thanksgiving Turkey Drop clip.

But everyone knows vanilla is better.

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