Friday, November 24, 2017

Have an Indian for Thanksgiving

The first Thanksgiving happened one year after the Pilgrim's arrival. The history of the thing comes from one paragraph in William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation.

Basically, the Pilgrims were having a feast of thanks, and an hour or so in the Indians showed up. The Pilgrim's, having already knocked back a few, said, 'Come on over guys!' And so a tradition was born.

Peace between the two peoples lasted about 50 years.

In recent years lefties have been bashing Thanksgiving. Here's the latest example.

We actually understand Indians having a complicated relationship with the holiday. We are Juden of course, but hailing from Germany and we've mentioned before our Great Grandfather flying in the Luftwaffe during the Great War. Our middle daughter needed to pick a country for her 2nd grade culture fair, and she chose Germany. 'Uhhhh, Lilly...' we said.

Now that's complicated.

Of course the Indians in our neighborhood all celebrate Thanksgiving.

[They're not those kind of Indians, doofus-Ed]

Yeah, Yeah...

Well all the recent immigrants around here like giving thanks, Indians, Greeks, Vietnamese, Russians, French...

We'd like the Native Americans, made citizens by gracious act of Congress mind you, to consider  the alternative to the European Discovery of America. Give a little thanks, huh?

That said, there is no denying that this is brilliant:

1 comment:

  1. I have always found those two movies absolutely spot on and perfect. The simple reason is they make me laugh every time.
