Thursday, November 9, 2017

Le Affair de David

So Larry David cracked a few Jewish jokes on SNL. We've never seen Curb Your Enthusiasm and haven't watched SNL in 20 years.

OK, so he told a Holocaust joke and pointed out that Harvey Weinstein is Jewish. We thought the Weinstein part was kinda funny and well delivered. David then asked a great question about the male sex drive in Auschwitz. The answer is yes, by the way.

David's bit is brilliant.

Needless to say it didn't go over well with the Official Jews.

Comedy is supposed to be edgy and make the powerful uncomfortable right?

When you're taking flak you're over the target.

Well done, Larry.

1 comment:

  1. Hes pretty on the left, but he doesnt hold back making fun of those of his fellow religon, party affiliation and peers. Thats pretty much what his show revolves around, a Brooklyn old Jew lost in crazy Lala land. I love it.
