Sunday, December 31, 2017

Prediction Review: Trump

Here are our Trumpean Predictions from Inauguration Day.

I'd say we were about half right, which ain't bad, really.

-Obamacare's repeal will happen quickly and easily.
-The replacement will be a hodgepodge of conservative think tank ideas.
-Trump will have a strange, new respect for the Iran deal.
-Trump will sign dozens of executive orders against Obama's executive orders.
-Trump's biggest enemy won't be the Democrats or even the media, but the GOPe.
-Trump will appoint a very conservative justice to the Supreme Court.
-Democrat resistance will be hampered by Red State senators who want to keep their jobs.
-Trump will wage unrelenting war against the media.
-Trump will wage unrelenting war against the Federal civilian work force.
-There will be a comprehensive immigration reform bill that legalizes dreamers, contains employer enforcement mechanisms, builds a wall and forces Mexico to pay for it.
-Mexico will pay for that wall without any but the most pro-forma complaints.
-Most of Barrack Hussein Obama's legacy will be undone within the first 100 days.

The Iran deal is in Limbo. We've already noted Obamacare. There seems to be a drive toward a DACA deal on the terms outlined above. Red State Dems maintain allegiance to the resistance, putting their jobs in jeopardy.

Overall we think Trump had a great year.

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