Friday, February 23, 2018

A Thought on the Coming Civil War

The video linked here at the FB group Name the Bastards shows a protest and public brawl between Antifa and Patriot forces.

About half a dozen Patriots are up against three times their number. The Patriots are large, meat eating, beer swilling types who probably work with their hands. As boys, these men wrestled their friends for fun. Their idea of a good time was playing smear the queer. We bet that of their friends growing up, these men were the runts. We were.

The Antifa goons are almost all scrawny women, some females are there too. If they drink at all they most likely enjoy hipster microbrews. The males obviously pee sitting down, sitzpinklers.

Watch the Patriots toss Antifa around at will, with almost no effort. It's like watching the Spartans at the Hot Gates. Frankly these men acted with a lot of restraint. They really could have hurt these Antifa goons. We particularly enjoy how the Patriots spare not those braying, howling feminist wenches. No chivalry here. You wanted equality, you got it, bitches.

That's why the right will win the Civil War.


  1. The link isnt working, is it on your facebook page?

  2. THe video seems to have gone missing.

  3. Was it the same one from a few days ago? Where at the end the antifa was going to call the "authorities"? And a guy in a red shirt got peppered sprayed?

  4. It was in a pretty small town, cloudy day, there was pepper spray.
