Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Cheer the Norks

Well so far the Olympics' big winner is the North Korean Cheerleading squad: 


Personally I've always preferred NFL cheerleaders in the autumn when they're wearing tights and those form fitting jackets that fall on their waist and hip lines, plus those adorable headbands across their foreheads.

[I bet you do-Ed]

But these Nork Girls are weird, creepy and enthralling. I cannot turn away.

I can't, literally can't, imagine what your average South Korean makes of all this. Is it cute? Is it tragic? Is it embarrassing? Do they see Norks and think what I think when I see Hasidic Jews walk into the room , 'I hate these guys'.

Any South Korean readers out there? Anybody at all?

1 comment:

  1. The lady in black wasnt having it. She was either annoyed, had to tinkle, or camera shy. And if shes camera shy, was she suppose to be at work, but called in sick or is she a spy? And if shes a South Korean spy, the cheerleader next to her is screwed, if she doesn't defect.
