Friday, March 2, 2018

Chiao Italia!

Italy votes on Sunday and the center-right-right is poised to win big. The Express tells us that three center to right parties will hold a majority in the parliament. Interestingly one of these parties is the Northern League, now just the League, which used to be a northern Italy secessionist party. Anyone who knows anything about Italian history understand why. The North carries along the South.

Most Italian Americans hail from southern Italy and Sicily and are Mediterranean complexioned. Northern Italy is the productive, European part of the country populated by Germanic types. There's a reason why Sicilians left for America.

At issue, as always in any European general election is immigration and the future of the EU.

As usual the left doesn't know what to think about all this while the respectable center-left types are aghast. 

Just as Britain, France, Germany and the Netherlands go, so goes Italy.

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