Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Day of 3-4

By Sunday my grandfather was in a hospital bed (at home) and mostly unconscious with brief periods of alertness.

I took my oldest into Manhattan to see him one last time. We got there about 10:30. He was awake. The oldest said a few things and played violin. He said 'thank you', the last words ever uttered by him to me, and clapped once.

We stayed several hours, mostly just kibitzing with our sister and father. Paw Paw took the oldest with him to Starbucks, and got her a grande venti mocha-chino latte fumerello-whatever. Boy was he in trouble with Mrs. Stroock.

I took the oldest back to New Jersey about 3 and we got home about 4:30. This was enough time for us to unwind a bit. As we were breaking out the leftovers for dinner my sister called to say that his blood pressure had dropped again and was now extremely weak. What did I want to do? I sat down and ate some Chinese. By the time I finished I knew I was heading back into Manhattan. It was about 6. I stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a coffee and went back in.  The ride through the Lincoln was easy, and the drive up Park Avenue, around Grand Central and through the Met Life building was quick. I got to the apartment about 7:30.

I watched the nurse take his blood pressure, and was oddly disappointed when it remained steady. I wanted this over with. So did he. After idle chit-chat I sat by my grandfather's side for a few minutes and watched his breathing slow and stop. It was 9 on the dot.

The nurses took his blood pressure and said he was gone. We could not call the funeral home until the Hospice nurse arrived to do an official pronouncement. Took about an hour.

I left about 12:15. Back down Manhattan and through the Lincoln. There is no better view of Manhattan then on the approach to the Lincoln. The city really is breathtaking at night and photos don't do it justice.

Then the long drive down the Turnpike and over Interstate 78 home. What does one listen to on the ride home after watching one's grandfather pass in his sleep? I chose Queen. I dunno.

We got home about 2:30.

Later I talked to my sister, and she said our grandfather wasn't really awake at all after she got there about noon. Our oldest playing the violin for him was the last thing he saw and heard.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your grandad. May he Rest In Peace.
