Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Will Stroock Passover Spectacular Part Deux

Pharaoh Sucks *

Let's take a moment to try to understand the land from which my people fled.

After Egypt kicked out President for Life Hosni Mubarak in 2011, the nation held elections that resulted in the Muslim Brotherhood taking power. It took the Brotherhood about 18 months to comprehensively wreck the country. This resulted in a typical Third World military coup led by Egyptian Army General Abdel el-Sisi.

Egypt rejoiced. 

You see, in that land blighted ever since Charelton Heston led god's chosen to the land of Canaan...

[Never mess with the Jews, ever-Ed]

...that's right, Ed...Anyhoo...the army is the most highly regarded institution in all Egypt.

[Wait...wait. I'm no military historian but didn't the Jews defeat them in 1948?-Ed].


[And didn't the Israelites overrun the Sinai in '56?-Ed]

Well they had a little help from the Limeys and Frogs.

[And didn't the Hebrews route the Egyptian Army in 1967?-Ed]

Beat their asses.

[And though the '73 war began on Joshua's side of the Suez, did it not end on Yule Brenner's side of the Suez?-Ed]

It was the story of Exodus in reverse.

[And wasn't the Egyptian army so lethargic and lackluster in Desert Storm that General Schwarzkopf had to call President Mubarak and ask him to intervene personally?-Ed]

Yo bet.


Yes. By the camels of Cairo and the holy-humus of Anwar,  a thousand yeses.

And get this. The Egyptians think they won the 1973 war.

[How is that even possible?-Ed.]

Becuase Arabs can't fight and they're fucking delusional, that's how. We think it's the heat. After all, our grandmother was from Louisiana and she was nuts, too.

*We wrote a big spread on the modern Egyptian Army for Strategy & Tactics titled: Pharaoh Fails, the Egyptian Army in War and Defeat. The Editors, with whom we are still not speaking becuase they owe us money, changed the title to The Egyptian Army: 1956-1973.

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