Sunday, April 15, 2018

It was 73 Years Ago

Supreme Dark Lord Vox Day, as he often does, makes a great point about Holocaust remembrance:
If I were a Jew, I wouldn't worry about the events of 73 years ago. Instead, I'd worry about the fact that, based on the historical pattern, the West is considerably closer to the next pogrom than the previous one. Given the way in which Prime Minister Netanyahu has repeatedly called on the diasporans to return to Israel and the Learned Elders of Wye have been discussing when to jump ship for over a decade, I am confident that I am far from the only one who recognizes the pattern.
Vox Day was actually talking about a survey of Millennials that showed 22% of them have never heard of the Holocaust.

He's quite right.

When the frauds at the SPLC and the shysters at the ADL talk about dramatic spikes in judenhaus in America and Europe they're neglecting to mention this spike is entirely due to Muslim immigration, especially in Germany, and France, and Sweden...

Let's quote Vox Day again, 'If I were a Jew, I wouldn't worry about the events of 73 years ago...' I am a Jew and I'm not worried about the events of 73 years ago or the last hundred of so Nazi wannabes that marched in Charlotte last year.

Remember, the British Labour Party is led by a Jew-hating Trotskyite. The party faithful knew this about Corbyn and selected him anyway. Which is far more troubling than anything Millennials don't remember.

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