Sunday, April 29, 2018

Learning with Will

I spent a good chunk of last summer chronicling my failed education. Those interested may search 'The Deep Night'. To make a long story short, I'm dyslexic.

Now most think dyslexia means you look at a sign pointing to the left and see it pointing to the right. That's true and not true. You see the sign pointing to the left, but your brain mis-processes the information and thinks right. You get words mixed up. Years ago I saw President Bush saying 'hold us hostile' when he meant 'hold us hostage' and thought, 'There it is. That's the dyslexic marker.'

Dyslexia is almost like that scene in Terminator where Arnold is scrolling down a list of possible phrases to say and instead of 'No thank you' chooses 'Fuck you, asshole'.

Dyslexics learn differently too. Personally if I want to learn something, looking at and reading directions is the worst thing to do. I can read something three or four times and still won't get it. The only way for me to figure out how to put something together is to take out all the pieces and futz with it.

I learned guitar by listening and watching old music videos. I don't even try to read music and use tabs as a last resort.

I say all this becuase we've been listening to French CDs. These go lesson by lesson and they're designed for one lesson a day. I'm lucky if I get through a couple a week. I listen to French constantly. In the car when taking the kids to school, or on the way to Home Depot, or when folding laundry. *

Smart people burn right through this. Not us. French reduces us to this:

Fredo, I know exactly how you feel.

*Don't even think about posting in comments, 'Well, have you tried...?'

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