Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Prime Minister

The left hates Jews. This problem has come to a head in Britain where Labour is in the midst of a Judenahus scandal. Far left Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn spent Passover with a meshuga Jewish group that calls for the destruction of Israel.*

Via the Guardian we learn that:
Thanks to Corbyn, the Labour party is expanding, attracting many leftists who would previously have rejected it or been rejected by it. Among those are people with hostile views of Jews. Two of them have been kicked out, but only after they had first been readmitted and once their cases attracted unwelcome external scrutiny.
Reuters says that:

The issue [of Corbyn's Judenhaus] flared up two weeks ago after it came to light that in 2012 Corbyn questioned a decision by local London authorities to remove a street mural depicting men in suits with big noses playing Monopoly on the backs of naked people - an image reminiscent of anti-Semitic propaganda.
This is really old hat for the left. You know the famous Raid on Entebbe? Well that airliner wasn't hijacked by some whack-job Islamists, but a quartet of Marxists. Remember, the PLO** was a secular terrorist group beloved by international leftists like Nelson Mandela. 

Not all in the Old-New Labour are happy with the actions of the New-New Labour which is really just the Old Looney Labour.

Breitbart tells us:

The UK Labour Party must “root out anti-Semitism completely, totally” former party leader and prime minister Tony Blair has warned...

“I’m extremely sad about it, and anxious about it, and also very determined that the Labour Party should take the action necessary to root out anti-Semitism completely, totally. There should be zero tolerance towards it,” Blair told Channel 10 news.

“It’s one of these things that if you allow it to take root at all within a political party, it’s hard then to uproot it,” he said. “This is a situation, frankly, I could not even have imagined when I was leader of the Labour Party.”

Mr. Blair may be the COO of the Uniparty, Europhile, Globalist axis, but he knows crazy when he sees it. That crazy is what's keeping Prime Minister Teresa May in power. When Blair became Labour leader in the early 90's after Labour suffered its fourth straight electoral loss to the Tories, he waged unremitting war against that party's Looney Left. Behold:

Five years after Blair took over party leadership, Labour won a sweeping victory and stayed in power for a over a decade.

*Anti-Zionist Jews on both the left and right are not an uncommon thing, many Lebovich Jews loath Israel becuase it was founded by secularists and not the messiah. Any of you people ever notice how in our novels there's often a bad-guy Hasidic Jew always with the same name? Hey, how do you get a Hasidic Jew in a bathtub? Fill it with pickled herring.

**Yasser Arafat was one of the world's great homosexual practitioners who surrounded himself with young Nordic reverse fem-bot bodyguards and died of AIDs.

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