Tuesday, April 3, 2018

William Stroock Feature Creep

Alert reader(s) will have noticed the new sidebar feature  containing 11 magazine articles we've written over the years for the Sovereign Media Group of magazines. The only article missing is a big spread we did about the South Africans at the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale.

El Cid was the first piece we ever published with Sovereign Media and we were vey excited about it.

[Hey look, another Charleton Heston reference-Ed]

That was a breakthrough for us as previously something like 90% of our pieces were in the Decision Games group, whose editors we are not speaking to becuase they stiffed us after we designed the Meuse-Argonne Folio game. I hope they're happy with the way that relationship ended, becuase I'm not.

Aspiring writers, Rule #1 of this business is Get Paid.

Anyhoo, we wrote a pair of Civil War pieces for them, something we'd never thought we'd get in to. Sherman's March to the Sea was particularly gratifying, and not just becuase we share the same initials as the great general. We wrote 5,000 words in the week before our trip to DC in 2016.

We ended up writing a few articles on the war in Burma (something like eight overall) a very complicated subject. But we already had the books so why not? Also, pronounce Mytykyna, we dare you.

Indian Victory in Bangladesh came after General Sam Maneksaw died in 2008 and we thought, who, what?

We wrote Soviets in Afghanistan out of pure curiosity.

The Koreans in Vietnam was interesting. Communist pro-tip: the South Korean Army includes half an hour of TKD with their morning PT. Never close with the SoKos. We touched on some of this in our short story, Tye Die Warrior.

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