Sunday, September 30, 2018

In Which I Kavanaugh Myself

After the Dem's deep dive on Brett Kavanaugh's yearbook we were curious about what is in our own. However we do not have a copy. Fortunately Kirsten Equality Anderson Robbins, who long time reader(s) will recall is our first girlfriend and by the way, editor of a couple of our books, does have a copy. She kindly scanned my entry and sent it along.
First, an explanation. Our middle name is Thompson and as a child we were called 'Tom'.

That's 1992. Honestly the pic could be a lot worse. Nice smile, and there's really nothing wrong with the hair. If one looks closely one will find a dangly peace symbol earing. I dunno, we shrug.

We recalled most of the quips but had a ton of trouble recalling who the initials are.We are friends with many of them on FB. The casual 'Hi scum' we had forgotten and we find it kind of amusing.

We did not remember thanking Mrs. Delaney.

We thought there'd be a little more there there but almost everything is pretty stupid. We had hoped for more from ourselves, even at that age. 

Now, look closely. Really blow the pic up. In there is the sentence, 'No means yes. Yes means maybe. Maybe means no.'

What is it? The saying started out as 'no means yes' and it meant what you think it means.  But it didn't mean we were rapists. It meant we were moron 18 year olds. Eventually the saying morphed into a kind of circular logic that always lands on no, leaving the boy confused and confounded. Which changes the meaning entirely, doesn't it.

But it doesn't really matter. There goes our chances for public office.

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