Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Irish are Whimsical Part III: Irish Eyes aren't Smiling

The previously mentioned Irish Journalist, Benny Lewis, takes exception to American Exceptionalism:
There is no best country. But those who go on about how America is No. 1 tend to be those who have never traveled or are lightly traveled.

How about saying America is great or even … "awesome"? I think patriotism is an excellent quality to have, and we should all be proud of where we were born. But nationalism (believing other countries are inferior) is a terrible quality. 
Get fucked, Paddy. We'll take no lectures on national greatness from people that on the great issues of the 20th century didn't really have much to say. Hitler? Stalin? Whatever...and change the telly to the 10 PM lottery announcement.

The number of countries inferior to the US of A is far too long to list in it's entirety, but we'll start at the top: Ireland. Christ almighty, Ireland was a Third World country until the 1990s.

You want greatness? Take a look a the fuckin moon, there boyo. Look up at the night sky. There's an American satellite traveling in interstellar space. Too far away is it? How 'bout the Panama fuckin' Canal, or the Eire Canal, or the Hoover Dam, or the brand new Tappan Zee Bridge. The internet? We fuckin built that. How 'bout the fact that you aren't some dumb Krauts shoe-shine boy, or the Irish Independent Oblast, the most insignificant part of the Soviet Union.

Lewis also hate's America's is car friendliness:

America is a terrible place for pedestrians. It's the worst place in the world to live if you don't own a car.

You're goddamn right this country is built for cars, Potato shitter. It's 3,000 miles across the goddamn continent. That's longer than your stupid effing metric numbers even go. Americans think nothing of packing the kids into the minivan and driving 1500 miles to Disneyworld. It's called Holiday Road, asshole. Fuck you.

Lewis goes on to say that Americans are always in a hurry: 
Americans are also very punctual, because of course time is money. So many of them could do with stopping to smell the roses and arriving late because they took their time. 
Yeah, we'll stop and smell the roses in our huge goddamn backyard behind our four bedroom 2400 sqr foot house when we get home from work.

Lewis thinks being on time is an American thing, Jesus wept. We'd rather be in a hurry than sit around some god-forsaken train station arguing about the best way to Innisfree. That's why we had 'time' to build the aircraft carrier USS America. There will never be a carrier named RoI Ireland.

Fucking parochial Irish crap like this is why we created a whole plot line in the World War 1990 universe just so we could wright a novel about the British blowing the feck out of the Irish...again.

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