Friday, October 19, 2018

Bounce the Rubble with a Star of David

Israel has been threatening war with Hamas over the phony-baloney 'March of Return' protest/riots/breaching ops.

We've written before about the IDF having to 'mow the lawn'  every four or five years. After 2014's Operation Protective Edge, it seems the yard's gotten overgrown and weedy.

To be honest we're bored with the whole thing. Another month or so of the Israelis pummeling Gaza from the air....yaaaaawnnnnn.

Innovation has been the most interesting aspect of these wars. Iron Dome is a technological miracle. The Israelis have also developed some sort of tunnel detecting technology after the last war uncovered 30+ tunnels under the border.

Indeed the Jew is clever.

After some morons fired a rocket into Israel this week, the IAF hit more than a dozen targets in Gaza. This all seemed very pro-forma. 

We're skeptical of another war being able to do more than stoke outrage and bounce rubble. That said, when we went to the Times of Israel in prep for this post we found this:
One of the main organizers of the “March of Return” protests along the Gaza border called on participants on Thursday night to behave nonviolently in the demonstration planned for the next day, following a flareup between Israel and the Gaza-ruling Hamas terror group that threatened to spark all-out war.

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