Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Haley Resigns

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is moving on. We are sad to see her go but do not blame her in the slightest. The UN is a cesspool where decent nations have to parley with busted-arse crap-holes like Sudan, Burma, Venezuela, Burkina-Fasso, Malawi, Ireland....

Dealing with these goddamn people must just drain the soul.

Haley's two years as UN Ambassador would have, not-coincidently, marked the end of her second term as governor of South Carolina - take that, moron-conspiracy theorists.

Haley is being groomed for the top slot in the corporation, as they say. We hope she gets it. Long time reader(s) may recall we predicted she'd be Marco Rubio's vice president.

Speaking of UN Ambassadors, here's our favorite moment ever, from then Ambassador, and later Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, for whom we are proud to have voted:

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