Monday, October 1, 2018

I is Dyslexic

We are reliably told it's National Dyslexia Awareness Month.

As it turns out we are dyslexic.

Feel free to make jokes in the comments.

In 1981 our parents took us to a bunch of doctors and had us tested, the result of which was a bunch of doctors and teachers tolling us we were stupid. That's the only way for an 8 year old to interpret what was happening.

There followed years of 'special' classes and 'special' help so that the label 'special' was as bad as 'retard'.**

We were behind our classmates but never really understood why.

Of course we developed a deep set hatred for school.***

For the record, we don't believe any of those special classes or helpers did much good. Two things finally pulled us out of our 'rebo' stage as we called it. First, a teacher who accepted no excuses. Second, reading Dennis L. McKiernan's Iron Tower Trilogy during the summer of 1986.

We think all the rest of it was pointless.

*Yeah, I said 'retard'. Go fuck yourself.
**See Ralph Wiggum.
***We chronicled this before, search 'deep night'.

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