Sunday, October 28, 2018

Israeli Victory

An interesting a article by Caroline Glick about Israel's defeat of the PLO. She concludes that the Israeli nation and its' people are much better off and demonstrably happier than they were when the Oslo Process began in 1993.

This seems true to us. 

We suppose the defeat of the PLO began with Operation Defensive Shield in 2002, and ended when Yasser Arafat was forced out in 2004. 

Since then Judea/Samaria has been a PLO run kleptocracy, indistinguishable from the run-of-the-mill Arab crap-hole.

We think the Israelis have convinced the PLO and the palestinians (at least those in Judea/Samaria) that they will never defeat the Jews.

Today palestinian occupied Judea/Samaria reminds us of 20th century Ireland. A land tired, warn out, steeped in tradition and character, utterly lacking economic energy, where each generation loses tens of thousands of young people left for better parts, be they in the Arab world or perhaps the capitols of Europe. 

There's nothing romantic about John Ford's Ireland, or 'the troubles', or Palestine.

If the next generations figures that out the Israelis will be waiting.

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