Friday, October 5, 2018

The Tennesee Test Case

Long time reader(s) know we've been using the Tennessee senate race between Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn and former governor Phil Bredesen as a test for November. 

Well, here's the latest polling:
The most recent poll has Blackburn on top, responding no doubt to the Kavanaugh imbroglio. The one before that was from CNN, and CNN lies and is Hitler so....

We think that's gravity taking hold, as we are seeing the same thing in MO, ND, IN.

Cautiously optimistic...or pessimistic depending on one's affiliation.

Harris, what can you tell us?


  1. I think Marash wins by double digits the only part of the state she doesn't win is the Nashville metro area just to many transplanted Yankees there. In west Tennessee unless ur in downtown memphis u just don't see any campaign signs for Phil Breston

  2. Sorry for sending our detritus down to you.

  3. It's ok at least we got hockey team out of it
