Tuesday, October 2, 2018

We am Dyslexic

We are reliably told that October is National Dyslexia Awareness Month.  

Dyslexia basically means that one's brain works and see's things differently. A lot of inventors and innovators were dyslexic.

Reading Patton's letters in The Carlo D'Este bio broke our heart. We recognized those spelling errors right away.

Becuase he was dyslexic, Einstein asked really weird questions like what would light look like if you could catch up to it. Einstein swore that he was horrible at math.

God, dyslexia makes learning hard. We've chronicled our French lessons. We listen to the same CD over and over again. J've-j'vu; that's two words and two meanings. I am and I want. That's four things to keep straight. It's taken us months to learn it. Learning French, or guitar, or to read, is like trench warfare and it just comes down to how bad you want it.

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