Wednesday, October 3, 2018

When You've Radicalized Lindsey

We've written before that we are less hostile to Senator Lindsey Graham than a lot of other Trump guys. 

We recall his efforts as one of the House Impeachment Managers, his campaigning on behalf of John McCain (for whom we voted) in the bloody 2000 South Carolina Primary, and his support for victory in Iraq.

Senator Graham is a man of integrity, a gentlemen, and along with John McCain fought to preserve the traditions and dignity of the senate. Fat lot of good Graham's bipartisanship did those traditions, as the Democrats have ground them into dust as needed.

Last week Senator Graham finally snapped. Look what you've done, Democrats.

Right now the Democrats are looking at the very real possibility that Kavanaugh will be confirmed and Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat will be open soon. It's macabre but there it is.

Up until last week Senator Graham would have, we think, argued that the President should find a moderate jurist to replace RBG, for the senate, for the nation. 

Does anyone thing he would still do that?

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