Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Covering Blooms

We've been futzng with the Blooms cover.

Here's the basic concept:
In the end the cover will look something like this. That pic is an honest representation of the climactic battle scene in 2008, which even has a Humvee getting blown to bits. This Blooms cover goes nicely with A Line through the Desert.

But Blooms isn't a war novel. Not really. Blooms is about Jake and Patricia Bloom. There's plenty of army-wife stuff in it. A lot of stay-at-home-mom stuff too.

So we had another idea for the cover.

You guys aren't going to like it.

I mean, you're really going to hate this...
Look, reader(s), I know what you're thinking:

Did you write a freaking Lifetime movie of the week? Did you think of this novel while you were on the treadmill in your kinda risky shiny leggings with your sweatshirt tied around your waist so the guys wouldn't look at your butt? Did you run this past your gal pals at a girls-gab fest while drinking a glass of white wine with a couple of ice-cubes in it?

I'm going to be honest, fellas. Even I look at that cover and feel the vague yet persistent urge to make an appointment with the OBGYN. Still, that cover gets the message across. I dunno, maybe I just need to get out more.

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