Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Do do do-do do do-do Under Pressure

So I wake up each morning, head downstairs, grab a cup of coffee and open the computer on which this is being written.

My point is I get to work right away.

Each morning I feel a tremendous amount of pressure to move things forward.

All of the pressure is self imposed.

Novels written. Novels edited. Magazine articles completed. This blog...

All just to get things cleared out so I can move onto the next thing.

There is always a next thing.

You know what I did after I clicked the 'publish' button for Polish Storm? I got back to work on Pershing in Command. After I clicked publish on Pershing in Command I went back to work on The Final Storm, or Blooms, or the Palmerston's War short story.

In between I fold laundry while listening to French, sweep up, cook dinner, take the kids to dance, etc etc.

When does the pressure stop?

Tremendous Pressure.

1 comment:

  1. It never does it's all in being a adult I feel the same pressure every day too
