Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Wither Dick Cheney.

So a Dick Cheney biopic is coming out.

Dick Cheney?

Leftists can never let go. 

Without looking, reader(s), name FDR's veep. How about Lincoln's? How about Teddy Roosevelt's? We can't do the last two.

But leftists need a Dick Cheney biopic.

By the way, director Adam McKay has some interesting thoughts about Bill Clinton, “I legitimately think Bill Clinton is one of the worst presidents in the modern age...” 

I legitimately think McKay is really wrong. Bill Clinton was a perfectly adequate peacetime president, a Calvin Coolidge, a John Quincy Adams, a Rutherford B. Hayes. 

McKay also references Bill Clinton's #metoo issues. He's a little late to the party. We say, as Dems said back in the 90's, that's his personal life!

Anyway, Cheney keels over from a heart attack at the end of World War 1990: Operation Eastern Storm. Lefties oughta be happy about that. Of course he's replaced by Jewish-neocon-warmonger Paul Wolfowitz, soooo... 

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