Monday, November 12, 2018

Oh Look a Florida Recount

God this gives us nightmares.

It's Bush vs Gore all over again.

Younger readers who've heard of the Florida Recount probably don't understand how flatfooted the whole recount fiasco caught the Bush Campaign. Algore was in his limo  on his way to make his concession speech when they stopped him becuase, voila, thousands of ballots were being found and counted in Broward and Palm Beach county. Sound familiar? Algore actually called Bush and 'unconceded' and nearly litigated his way into the White House.

Not this time, punk.

Governor Rick Scott and the GOP were prepared. They screamed about Broward and Palm Beach counties not recording votes. Scott held a presser and did not mince words, calling out election fraud. The GOP retained a high powered law firm that included former solicitor general Ted Olson. And best of all, the morning after the attempted fraud began, protestors showed up at the Broward County office shouting, 'Lock her up!'

Finally all the counties have reported, and rather than a massive swing toward Nelson and Gillum, Scott and DeSantis still have the lead. They most likely will retain the lead after the recount.

Well played, sirs.

1 comment:

  1. Why are we allowed to vote without an i.d. ? My wife and i weren't asked for any kind of i.d.
