Sunday, November 11, 2018

WW1 100

We really don't have much to ad to the vast, vast, overly vast volume of history of the 100th anniversary of this day.

We will say that us Yanks really don't appreciate the Great War. For us the Great War is the war after America's existential conflict, and the war before the 'Big One'.

Pershing thought the Allies ended the war too soon. But he hadn't been fighting for four long years. Also his AEF was primed and ready for a massive attack into Germany proper.

Had the war gone on, the AEF would have born the brunt of it.

We'll be talking about the Great War all this week.

1 comment:

  1. It's a much bigger deal in Canada. Canada was at war when Britain declared war but was recognized as a separate power at the Paris peace conference. Considered to be the point we stopped being a colony. I'm going to rewatch Passchendale. Recommended if you've never seen it. The Paul Gross version.
